Monday, March 26, 2007

First tickets sold today!

HAiR, the American Tribal Love Rock Musical, is coming to San Jose!

This is my first blog post ever and it is pretty exciting. We are about five days from auditions and there is a lot left to do. There are many things that happened over the past few weeks which I will try to go back and write about when I have time, but today was a real landmark because we sold our first two tickets for the show!

We published an ad (our first) in the program for Nixon's Nixon, which opened at San Jose Rep over the weekend. I spent a good chunk of Saturday making sure that the ticket sales system was up and running correctly, including the NIXON discount code, at Brown Paper Tickets, our ticket vendor. Barb and I went to see the show at the Rep on Saturday evening and it was very good (I saw it back in 1997, at the Montgomery Theatre, but this was the first time Barb had seen it - it is really an amazing play about abuse of power and the fatal character flaws exhibited by Nixon, but enough about that!)

We got a copy of the program when we bought our tickets and immediately searched for the ad. They placed it on Page 4, right opposite the main title page for the Rep show! Awesome! We went and had dinner and were quite giddy about the ad placement. It is a full page ad too, and very dramatic (I will try to upload a copy some time soon).

When we took our seats at the theater, we had fun watching other people as they opened the program and saw the ad. We saw two people in particular who nudged their partners and obviously showed them the ad. It was way cool! Possibly the people who bought the first tickets were ones we saw that night.

Anyway, this morning, two tickets using the NIXON code were purchased. Very exciting! We offered the purchasers a free upgrade to a reserved table as the very first purchasers.

We are on our way!



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